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10th January 2025

Dear Parents/Carers


Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas.


This week we have had the auditions for the Acorn Theatre production 'Pirates of the Curry Bean'. More information about this play will follow. I have been incredibly impressed at how hard the children have worked to prepare in their groups for the audition. 


Homework-  Please complete the 8 times tables booklet. 


Reading- Reading books will be checked and changed if necessary on a Friday. Please make sure your child reads at least three times a week and this is recorded in their diary. Reading at home is incredibly important to help support the children with their growing vocabulary and developing their comprehension skills. 


Spellings- Spelling diaries should be in school on a Friday for the weekly spelling test. Spellings will be given on a Friday to practise for the following week.


Next weeks spellings are: expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, suspension, exclusion, provision, explosion, erosion, invasion. 


Spelling Shed- Spellings have been added to Spelling Shed for your child to practise. Log in details have been stuck in the front of your child's reading diary. 


Times Tables Rockstars- Passwords have been stuck in front of reading diaries. Please encourage your child to practise their 7, 8, 9 times tables. 


Other dates for your diaries:

17th January- Canal Trust visit

28th January- Young Voices at Sheffield Arena

3rd February- Children's Mental Health Week

7th February- NSPCC Number Day

7th February- Valentine's Day Disco

10th February- Book Fair Week

11th February- Parents Evening

12th February- Parents Evening

14th February- Last Day


P.E Kit

Recently, there has been an increase of children in Y4 wearing inappropriate P.E. kit. Please can you ensure that your child wears appropriate school P.E. kit on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Long hair should be tied back and earrings removed or covered prior to the start of the day.


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Tomlinson 
