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20th September 2024

Dear Parents/Carers


We have had such a busy week in Thoresby Class! On Wednesday we enjoyed a virtual visit from author Katherine Rundell, Tommy visited us on Thursday morning for our second drumming session and we had Autumn from VIA in school to talk to us about Road Safety. 


We have also started to think about Christmas. Today, the children will be bringing home their Christmas card designs with instructions for those that would like to purchase them. 


Homework- We have recently been learning about nouns, adjectives and verbs including identifying them and using them in our writing. The children have a sorting activity to complete. 


Reading- Reading books will be checked and changed if necessary on a Friday. Please make sure your child reads at least three times a week and this is recorded in their diary. 


Spellings- Spelling diaries should be in school on a Friday for the weekly spelling test. Spellings will be given on a Friday to practise for the following week.


Next weeks spellings are: illegal, illegible, immature, immortal, impossible, impatient, imperfect, irregular. 


Times Tables Rockstars- Passwords have been stuck in front of reading diaries. Please encourage your child to practise their 8 times tables- there will be a mini assessment on this soon.


Other dates for your diaries:

27th September- Macmillan Coffee Morning

4th October- Red card to Racism (wear red)

7th October- Flu vaccinations

15th and 16th- Parents/ Carers evenings (a letter about this will be sent home today)

17th October- Fire safety

18th October- Harvest and last day


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Tomlinson 
