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22nd November 2024

Hello Thoresby Class Parents/Carers,


Last Friday was our school trip to Ruschliffe Country Park. The children were taught how to be Roman soldiers and their behaviour was fantastic throughout the school day. Take a look at the photos taken on our school website. 


Homework- For homework, please complete the multiplication and division questions.


Reading- Reading books will be checked and changed if necessary on a Friday. Please make sure your child reads at least three times a week and this is recorded in their diary. 


Spellings- Spelling diaries should be in school on a Friday for the weekly spelling test. Spellings will be given on a Friday to practise for the following week.


Next weeks spellings are: generally, usually, finally, beautifully, cruelly, carefully, faithfully, peacefully, wonderfully, thoughtfully, 


Spelling Shed- Spellings have been added to Spelling Shed for your child to practise. Log in details have been stuck in the front of your child's reading diary. 


Times Tables Rockstars- Passwords have been stuck in front of reading diaries. Please encourage your child to practise their 7 times tables- there will be a mini assessment on this soon.


Dates for your diary:

22nd - Non-Uniform Day – Exchange for Christmas Chocolate/Hamper Prizes

December 4 th – KS2 Carols by Candlelight and Christmas Fayre 3:30pm – 5:30pm

11th – Christmas Craft afternoon (1 adult per family welcomed) 

17th- Christmas Disco (tickets can be purchased over Parent Mail)

18th - Christmas Dinner Day/Party pm/Santa

19th – Progress Reports to parents

19th – Christingle

20th – Last day
