Hello Thoresby Class Parents/Carers,
We have had a very busy week preparing for the chaos that December usually brings. Wednesday will be our Christmas carol concert and the children have been busy preparing for this. This will take place on the playground and start at 3:30pm. After the carol concert, the school will be open for our Christmas Fayre. I hope to see you there!
On Thursday, we have had the exciting opportunity to take part in the Jingle Jog at Sherwood Pines. We will leave school at 11:30am and return at 3:00pm. Children should wear pe kit and bring a spare pair of shoes. Sherwood Pines may be muddy so please only send shoes that you do not mind getting dirty. As we will be leaving at 11:30, children will have an early lunch. If your child has school dinners, there will only be a sandwich option available on that day.
Homework- For homework, please complete the addition and subtraction word problems.
Reading- Reading books will be checked and changed if necessary on a Friday. Please make sure your child reads at least three times a week and this is recorded in their diary.
Spellings- Spelling diaries should be in school on a Friday for the weekly spelling test. Spellings will be given on a Friday to practise for the following week.
Next weeks spellings are: caught, although, forward, early, disappear, decide, different, forward, believe, eight.
Times Tables Rockstars- Passwords have been stuck in front of reading diaries. Please encourage your child to practise their 7 times tables- there will be a mini assessment on this soon.
Dates for your diary:
4th December – KS2 Carols by Candlelight and Christmas Fayre 3:30pm – 5:30pm
5th December- Jingle Jog
11th – Christmas Craft afternoon (1 adult per family welcomed)
17th- Christmas Disco (tickets can be purchased over Parent Mail)
18th - Christmas Dinner Day/Party pm/Santa
19th – Progress Reports to parents
19th – Christingle
20th – Last day