Our aim in Art this half term is to paint a portrait of George Stephenson. To start, we have studied the colour of his eyes, hair, skin tone and clothes. We thought about how we use powder paints to mix colours in order to create the ones that will need. We practised mixing colours and recorded them on our grids, before deciding on the most appropriate colour for each strategy. We will be moving on to studying the shape of the eyes and face in order to build up to painting our portraits!
This lesson, we focused on specific facial features in order to be able to combine all of our skills to create the portrait of George Stephenson. We discussed the shape of the face, eyes, nose and lips and also discussed the texture of the hair. We decided which brush thickness we would need for each part too. Then, we had to mix the colours again following on from last lesson's learning and we painted each feature in the correct colour. We will be developing our knowledge next lesson by looking at proportions and then combining everything together for the finished piece!