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Odd Socks Day


On Monday,  we wore odd socks to remind each other how we are all unique and everyone is special. 

We also spent the afternoon discussing anti bullying week and why it is important the children understand what bullying is. We discussed the different between bullying and accidentally hurting someone one. The children could explain why we should not bully people and how it would make them feel. We also discussed what we would do if we saw someone being bullied and we thought about all the people we could tell. The children understood the importance of speaking out and why you should tell a trusted adult, a family member or your friends.


In continuous provision, we designed our own odd socks that we would love to wear.




On Wednesday, we worked together to plant bulbs with Nigel. We spoke about how each bulb is different and what type of flowers they are. Elmton Class are very excited to watch them grow!

