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This half term, we are studying a village called Mugurameno, in Zambia, and we are making comparisons between this village and Shireoaks. This week, we have learnt about the different human and physical features that are in Mugurameno and thought about how these are different to the features in Shireoaks. Remember, physical features are things like rivers, mountains and forests and human features are people, houses and schools. We can't wait to find out more about this village! Below is a picture of some of the children who live in Mugurameno smiley

This week, we have learnt more about the river Zambezi and how it is used by the residents of Mugurameno village to support them. We learnt that they use the river for fishing, irrigation and to wash themselves, their clothes and their dishes! They have installed some special fences in the river to keep them safe from crocodiles which live in the river. We then compared the river use in Zambia to how we use our rivers in the UK. We are enjoying learning more about Mugurameno village and are having some wonderful discussions in our lessons. 

This lesson, we focused on the animals that surround Mugurameno village and discussed how they use animals for food, making comparisons between there and here in the UK. We learnt that alongside the crocodile fences to protect the humans when they are washing, they also create grass fences to prevent hippos destroying the crops. They have storers where they hold the maize which are low to the ground so that elephants can't eat the crops and they also create chilli fences which surround their houses and the smell stops animals from approaching! 

This week, we have learnt more about the daily lives of the children who live in the Mugurameno village. We have found out that they have to do a range of chores, such as looking after younger siblings, travelling to get water and cooking for the family. We discussed what we do to help out at home and made comparisons between the chores that are expected in the village and in our houses in the UK. We wrote diary entries to share our knowledge of what a day might be like in the life of a Zambian child. We are really enjoying learning more about the village and thinking about how their lives are different to ours. 
