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We have continued focusing our learning on the Zambia village, Mugurameno. The children created their own posters to warn people of the dangerous animals that can be found in the village. They were able to make comparisons between the dangers of animals in Mugurameno and animals in the UK. We discussed what things they have to put in place to protect themselves from the animals including an elephant proof store, building fences in the water to protect themselves from crocodiles and many more! 

In Geography, we have introduced the children to physical and human features. We discussed what the meaning of those features are and then listed examples. The children watched a video of a school in Zambia and they started to highlight the similarities and differences between our school and the school there.

We continued focusing on the village Mugurameno and had a look at how they used a river. The children were fascinated to see that they use the river for completely different reasons to us in England. This included: using the river to wash clothes, clean themselves, catch and eat fish and then to protect themselves from crocodiles by building a fence in the water. The children enjoyed drawing the similarities and differences between Mugurameno and the UK.
