In school today, we will be doing lots of different activities to get to know each other.
One of the activities we will be doing in completing an inner and outer self portrait.
We will be drawing half of our portrait as we appear on the outside and on the other half, we will fill the shape with all the things that are important to us on the inside.
You might like to draw this freehand, or use the template attached to start you off.
Under the template is an example to help you come up with some ideas.
We will also be looking at our school Golden Expectations and coming up with our own Class Charter.
Have a think about the rules you would like to have in our classroom to help you feel safe, happy and able to concentrate and learn.
You can write them down on the scroll, or just make notes at home.
After this, think about our Golden Expectations, choose one you can remember and think about how we could show this. For example: I might show respect and care for all by holding the door open for others.
I might remember to wear a smile when I arrive at school and say good morning.
Finally today, we are going to be completing a whole class jigsaw, showing how we all link together as class team. These jigsaw pieces will tell each other some of the things we like, are good at and would like to achieve.
The jigsaw piece is attached here if you would like to complete it, or you can make notes ready to fill in when you get back to school.
Something extra
If you would like a bit more to try today, I would love to know how fantastic you are at times tables, can you complete some of the challenges?
The answer sheets are included for you to check how you did.
You could also spend some time on Times Tables Rockstars if you like.