Today we are going to be looking at the story Dear Dinosaur. I would like you to watch the video and read the story. In the story, Max writes to the T-Rex. I would like you to write some questions to Max finding some more information out about him. I would like you to write 5. Dear Dinosaur video - > .Remember to use capital letters and a question mark. A video for how to use question marks is here
Maths- Year 1- Fact families:
Today we are looking at fact families in Maths. Have a look at the video and complete the activities.
Maths- Year 2- Checking calculations:
Today in Year 2 Maths we are looking at using the inverse to check calcuations. The inverse is the opposite. What is the opposite of addition? What is the opposite of subtraction? Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet.
Phonics- The 'ir' sound:
Today in phonics we are looking at the 'ir' sound. Have a look at the PowerPoint and practise reading the words aloud to a grown up. Then complete the roll and read game with a grown up.
Topic- RE
Today in RE we are going to be looking at the Jewish Creation Story. So far we have looked at the religious practices of Judaism. Now we are moving on to their Creation Story. Please look at the PowerPoint and then complete the storyboard. Remember to draw a picture for each part.
Tuesday 12th October:
Maths- Year 1 - number bonds to 10 using a systematic approach.
Today we are looking at number bonds up to 10. Have a look at the video and complete the activity.
Maths- Year 2 - checking calculations.
Today we are looking at checking calculations using the inverse and the bar model. Watch the video and complete the activity sheet.
In phonics today we are focusing on the 'er' sound. Have a look at the powerpoint and practise sounding out the words to a grown up. Then complete the board game with a grown up.
Today we have Drumba. For those of you at home I have set a music task on Purple Mash where you can explore with the instruments.
Wednesday 13th October:
In Maths today we are going to be looking at number bonds to 10. Here is the video to watch Then complete the activity afterwards. If you would like a challenge, expand your knowledge of number bonds to 20 and complete the extention sheet.
Today in Phonics we are looking at the 'ear' sound. Have a look at the PowerPoint and complete the activities.
Today in topic we are going to be focusing on art. We are going to create a dinosaur sunset painting. If you have not got the resources you can use colours. Have a look at the video to show you! I can't wait to see the result!
For Literacy today, I would like you to recap the story of Dear Dinosaur. I would then like you to imagine that you go to a museum where Max the Dinosaur comes to life! What would happen? Would you play with the dinosaur? Would you ride on the dinosaur? Would he take you to dinoland? I would like you to write a letter to someone you know telling them about your experience at the museum.
Computing- Year 1:
Today we are focusing on letter writing in Year 1. There is a task on Purple Mash that is set as a 2do. I would like you to complete the Cinderella letter writing. There is also a starter task that requires children to find letters on the keyboard.
Maths- Year 1
Today we are looking at addition. Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet.
Today we are focusing on the 'ou' sound.