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Can you complete the below activities to solve today's mystery?



Today we will be completing some Purple Mash tasks during our ICT time. This is a good opportunity to look back through the tasks you have not completed and have a go at them. You may have to think back to topics we covered a little while ago but it will be a good test of your memory! See how much you can remember from this year smiley


Then, spend some time on Times Tables Rockstars to practise your times tables for Maths. If you would prefer, you can practise them on paper instead! 



Use the slides below to learn about optical art! It would be great to talk through your ideas with a grown up if you can. Then, use some paper to follow the instructions to create your own optical art - you will need some paper and a pencil, as well as coloured pencils or felt tips. There are some print outs you could use if you are finding that creating the art from scratch is a bit tricky smiley
