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Year 2

Lesson One

This week in Science, we looked at things that are living, dead and have never been alive. It was extremely interesting to see what the children consider to be alive or have never been alive. We focused on the characteristics of something that would be alive. This included: breathing in oxygen, moving, reproducing, eating, excreting waste and responding to a stimuli. Can you name any others? 


Then, we used this knowledge to focus on things that have died or have never been alive. We had a go at comparing the difference between things that are living, dead and have never been alive. 

This week, we have had a great time completing an experiment where we learnt more about how animals are adapted to their habitats! We thought about the different habitats that animals have and how their features complement this. We learnt that polar bears stay warm due to their thick layer and we used gloves to see how this might make a difference to how the cold feels. 
