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24th November 2023

Homework Due- Wednesday 29th November 2023.


Hello Welbeck Class, Parents and Carers, 



Please complete the multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers activity. Remember to use the methods that you have been taught this week.


Reading Diaries

Reading books and diaries should be handed in at the start of each day. Children should be reading at least three days a week and an adult should be recording this in their diary. We are seeing a number of children forget their diaries on a daily basis. Please continue to remind your child about the importance of bringing it to school daily. 



This weeks spellings are: appreciate, communicate, definite, exaggerate, harass, marvellous, persuade, relevant, stomach, vehicle. 


Times Tables

Please continue to encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. At this point, all Y6 children should confidently recall all times tables facts up to 12x 12. 


Dates for your diary

7th December- Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day.

13th December- 6:30pm- Welbeck Christmas performance at St. Luke's Church.  


Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss Tomlinson
