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PE and Sport in Clumber Class

Week commencing 2nd March 2020


This week in P.E Clumber Class warmed up by running to different things on the playground that Miss Earle called out. They then played 'Tag Rugby'. They started in small groups with two people being on and they had to try to take the other players bibs that were tucked into their shorts, while the remaining players were passing the ball to each other try to score. Next the children were in bigger groups with four people being on making it more challenging. The children used lots of skills from running, passing, catching, agility and communication. Everyone worked well as a team and encouraged each other. 

Week commencing 24th February 2020


This week min P.E Clumber Class have played 'Dodgeball'. They were split into two teams and had to throw the soft balls at the opposing teams legs to try and get them out, while avoiding being hit themselves. The objective being to eliminate the opposing team. They played several games. The children had to use their dodging skills, so thinking about agility and speed. They also had to throw the ball with accuracy and good control, remembering not to catch the ball as this would eliminate them from the game.

Week commencing 10th February 2020


This week in P.E Clumber Class were able to choose some of their favourite games to play. The children chose to play 'Hop and Hoop'. A number of hoops are scattered around the floor, the children have to keep moving around the hoops listening for a number to called out and that number of children need to be in a hoop, any children not in a hoop are out. Each time a hoop is removed making the game more challenging until there is only one hoop left and the winner is first person into the last hoop. The children also chose to play the 'Frog game'. When they hear 'frog' called out the children have to bob down, the last one to bob down is out, until there is only one child left standing. They also used to hula hoops to see who could hula hoop for the longest time. The children really enjoyed deciding what games to play and using different skills to play them.


Week commencing 3rd February 2020


In P.E this week Clumber Class have had a lot of fun doing a variety of races. They have done lots of different running races; sprinting, side-to-sides, really with a baton and running in and out of the cones. They have also raced in pairs with the ball and scoop passing the ball to each other and catching it in the scoop. The children enjoyed the skipping race, being careful not to get tangled up as they were skipping  and they have had an obstacle race too. 

Everyone has worked really well as a team, encouraging each other to do their best.

Week commencing 27th January 2020


In P.E this week Clumber Class listened to a piece of music called 'Carnival of Animal'. The children had to guess which animal it was by carefully listening to the music. When they had guessed the animal the children then thought about the animals features and moved around imitating that animal, thinking carefully about how was the best way to move around linking their movements to the music using the skills they have already learnt so far such as: pace, balance, stretching, bending and fluidity.

Week commencing 20th January 2020


Clumber Class have been enjoying what they have been doing in dance over the last two weeks in P.E this week. The children have merged together all of their movements to create their own thunderstorm to music. All of the children were fantastic. They listened carefully to the music and created wonderful dances, using all of their bodies in different movements and at different paces. Well done Clumber Class.

Week commencing 13th January 2020


In P.E this week Clumber Class have continued with dance thinking about rain. They looked how the rain hits the ground and bounces. The children hopped when it was regular rain and ran on their tip toes when it was light rain. Music played to show how fast the rain was and when the rain stopped the children fell to the floor to make a puddle. The children then wriggled to show the rain going down the drain. Next the children got into groups to perform their own version of a rainstorm. Everyone did really well creating their rainstorm dances thinking about the different pace of the music and how they were going to interpret it.

Week commencing 6th January 2020


In PE today Clumber Class explored different shapes using their bodies. The children’s focus was dance and they told the story of a thunder storm. They used musical instruments to help them. The children swayed when the music was slow, whirled when the music pace increased, ran and leapt when it got faster and faster. They also created spirals and fell to the floor imitating a tornado. All of the children really enjoyed it. 

Week commencing 18th November 2019


Clumber Class have mixed their gymnastics skills and catching skills this week. Using a tennis ball each the children have done different moves: straddle, tuck and puck (a cross between a pike and a tuck), then passing the ball to a partner.
The children held a ball between their knees in a standing tuck position and had to crouch down then roll back into a shoulder tuck. 
The children practiced their catching skills by doing different jumps while trowing a tennis ball into the air and catching it again. Well done Clumber Class you have worked very hard. 

Week commencing 11th November 2019


Clumber Class have continued with their gymnastics this week in P.E. They did different types of gymnastics jumps. The children practised jumping jacks, straight jumps, tuck jumps and half turn jumps. Once the children had practised all of the jumps they worked in small groups to create a routine to show to the rest of the class. 

Week commencing 4th November 2019


This week in P.E Clumber Class have been doing gymnastics. The children had to perform different moves such as: a pike, a straddle and a tuck starting from different positions. Either in their back, shoulders or standing. The children had to think about their balance also, which made their moves smoother. Some children gave fantastic demonstrations to the rest of the class, showing how to do the moves. Miss Earle was so impressed with the whole class. 

Week commencing 7th October 2019


Clumber Class began their P.E lesson this week with a warm up doing different stretches led by Jake, who was very confident in leading the class and the rest of the class enjoyed it very much.

The children have been working on their catching skills, whilst thinking how to position their bodies, hands and feet to receive a ball. With a partner the children used a tennis ball roll to each other, making sure they were in the correct position. They also had to bounce the ball into a hoop before it bounced to their partner for them to catch. When throwing the ball to each other the children had to think about the speed and accuracy the needed to use to make sure that their partner would be able to catch it correctly. 







Week commencing 30th September


During their P.E sessions this week Clumber Class have had a lot of fun with Miss Earle and Tony. 

With Tony the children worked on their ball control. Thinking about how hard they needed to bounce a ball to keep it moving in either a straight line or weaving in and out of cones until they reached the hoop at the end. Also moving at different paces to make it more of a challenge. 

The children really enjoyed moving like animals with Miss Earle. They had to use all of their bodies to stretch, twist or bend to create the animals. Thinking about the pace and speed the animals would move around. Using balance for slow animals and navigating around each other for fast moving animals. 

Week commencing 23rd September


Clumber Class have been having fun in P.E working on their throwing skills. They all started off by warming up: running around the hall in one direction and listening for Miss Earle telling then to change to the opposite direction. Also listening which number was called out: 1 star jumps, 2 run, 3 stop. To practice their throwing skills the children worked with a partner doing chest passes, rolling the ball and bounce passes. Thinking about the force in which they needed to use to make the ball go the correct distance to their partner. The children then used what they had learnt in games incorporating the different ball passes. 

Week commencing 16th September 2019


In P.E this week Clumber Class has been focusing on ball control. Using a tennis ball each they have used a range of skills enabling them to control it at different speeds. Thinking about how to move without loosing control while bouncing it and changing direction when moving. Listening carefully to instructions from Miss Earle about what speed and direction to move in. 

In P.E this week Clumber Class have been thinking about their throwing and catching skills. The children enjoyed throwing a bean bag into a hoop at different distances. Thinking about aim and accuracy as well as the speed of which to throw the bean bag. The children all showed good hand eye coordination skills. 