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For Maths today, we will continuing to focus on Shape. What do you remember about 2D shapes? 


Today, we are focusing on 3D shapes. Please read the PowerPoint. This will remind you of the names of the shapes and their properties. Please have a go at the questions in the PowerPoint on a spare piece of paper.


Once you have completed the PowerPoint, please complete the worksheet.



For your English work today, we will be writing winter similes. 


Firstly, make a mind map of everything that reminds you of winter? Think about the weather, Christmas and what activities you might do during winter. 


Next, you will be using your ideas to write similes. Please follow the PowerPoint and then complete the worksheet. 


Remember, a simile compares two things that are similar.



Please complete the task on Purple Mash.



In EGPS, we are learning about articles. An article is using 'a' or 'an' before a noun. Please read the PowerPoint to identify the difference between 'a' and 'an'. On the PowerPoint, their is a quiz. Please have a go at it. Afterward, please complete the worksheet that links to the PowerPoint.
