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Have a look at the sheet below which shows a range of word problems relating to money. If you feel more confident, start with column B and then move to C. 


Remember to work out which operation the question is asking you to complete by looking for key words such as difference or altogether.


Have a look at the PowerPoint below as this covers what we will be learning in school today. Our focus is on tenses - the past tense and then the present perfect. Complete the activities on the PowerPoint and the answers are there for you to check once you have finished. 


In school today we will be completing some guided reading activities. Have a look at the activity suggestions on the document below and choose some to do. You can use your school reading book or another book of your choice. 


Last week, we discussed our plans for our own DT inventions and formed groups in order to generate a range of ideas. Today, groups will be deciding on the invention they are going to design and create and then beginning the planning process. We will be drawing detailed diagrams which are labelled with relevant materials that will be needed to create the invention. There will also be information on how the invention will work and what the purpose of it is. See if you can remember some of the ideas you and your group generated last week and think about how you could create one of them. What materials could you use? You could then draw and label your own design and bring it in next week to share your ideas with your group. 
