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Week Commencing 20th September 2021


This week in Maths we have been recapping on skills we have previously learnt, where we have been using the column method to answer subtraction and addition questions using four digits. The children are confident with using the column method and we have started to use this knowledge to answer reasoning questions. We have also continued to complete our Fluent in Five activities and our Rapid Reasoning activities.



To start the week the children wrote some excellent character descriptions about Mr Reynolds from our book Friend or Foe. We have continued to read the book and discuss the literary techniques that the author has used. We have started our learning about transcripts and we have started to identify the features of a good transcript.


Canal River Talk

This week we had a video call with Claire from the Canal River Trust. She spoke to us about the importance of keeping safe by canals and other open water spots and the children could answer lots of her questions about risks and hazards. I was very impressed with the children's attitude to the importance of the discussion. 



This week we have started our World War Two topic. We have discussed why the war started and can identify countries that were part of the war. We started to identify important events of the war and started to place these on a timeline. During our Art activities, we looked at propaganda posters and we discussed what they represented. The children then created some excellent propaganda posters about rationing. 
