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Today in Maths, we will be studying factor pairs. I have created a teaching video for you to see, rather than trying to explain the concept in writing. Have a look at the video and then choose an appropriate worksheet for you to have a go at. I will also upload a PowerPoint which might help you as well. Let me know how you get on and I hope you enjoy the video! 



Listen to Mrs Dilks reading Chapter 3 - the link to the video is below. Then, have a go at writing a descriptive paragraph in the first person (so as if you are Charlie) about what you are thinking, feeling and maybe even saying whilst you are looking at the chocolate factory. You can use your ideas from yesterday's lesson to help you.


Choose a task:


1. Write three sentences as if you are Charlie, describing how you feel using adjectives.

2. Write a paragraph as if you are Charlie, describing how you feel using adjectives and similes.

3. Write two paragraphs - one to describe the senses (sounds, smells, sights) coming from the factory, and a second one as if you are Charlie to describe your feelings using adjectives and similes. 


Email these to



We would normally be having an ICT lesson today, so please use this time to complete a range of tasks on Purple Mash, to log on to your Bug Club account and read at least one book and to log on to TTR and complete some activities on there. 

Design & Technology


As we are studying chocolate this half term, it would only be right to make some of our own! Think back to when we created our own recipes for the banana lassi just before the Christmas holidays. Can you remember how we formatted our recipe? 


Research some existing chocolate recipes and have a think about how you could put your own spin on it - could you add or remove specific ingredients? Are you including specific allergy or dietary requirements such as dairy free ingredients? 


Using the template below, or one that you have created or found yourself, create a recipe for your own piece of chocolate. 


As you can imagine, I am devastated we cannot bring these into school and taste them! But it would be great if you could have a go at making your own recipe and send me some photos of how it turns out! Remember to include details about what it tastes like - I will try not to be too jealous! 
