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This week is all about money! So, to start with, we are going to spend time today looking at the value of money to ensure we are all at the same point.


I have attached a teaching video below, which explains the concept in more detail. Then, answer the questions on the PowerPoint. 


Let me know if you need anything smiley



I have attached a teaching video below to explain today's task. Watch the video before you begin so you know what to do - if you need any more detail or extra information just email and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 




1. Sentences from one viewpoint - remember to use 'because' to explain why!

2. Write 2 reasons for and 2 reasons against and remember to explain your arguments. 

3. Link your for and against reasons together using the key words discussed in the video, or any others you can think of. Write a paragraph sharing your ideas - you may even choose to finalise your paragraph with your own opinion at the end. 



As part of our learning on healthy lifestyles, today's PHSE focus is going to be exercise! I am sure you are all being as active as you can be whilst at home, but today will provide a good opportunity for you to get moving and burn some energy! 


Think about what happens when we exercise - we usually become short of breath and our heart rate increases. Why is this? Discuss your ideas with a grown up if you can. 


Test it out! Does your heart rate increase after exercise? I have attached a link to a Joe Wicks video - he knows how to keep the nation moving! Have a go and see what effect it has on your body. If you can't access the video, don't worry, just do some of your own exercises instead. 


Once you have finished your exercise, think about how you could measure how you feel. You could record your heart rate and the number of beats per minute, but can you record or measure tiredness? I would love to know your thoughts! Send them in in the usual way smiley



We are going to be learning more about chocolate today, so have a look at the PowerPoint which will give you a brief overview of the origins of chocolate. 


Then, choose one of the attached tasks - 1, 2 or 3. They are all very similar, but task 3 has a lot less clues than task 1, so challenge yourself accordingly! Try to complete the task without using the PowerPoint to help you. 


After you have completed the task, to assess your understanding and recall, ask a grown up to ask you the key questions that relate to the number task you did. So, if you chose to complete task 2 above, you would complete question set 2. They will ask you the questions and you need to try and answer them, without looking at your worksheet! Let me know how you get on, perhaps you could make it a competition between you and your grown up - if you get the question right it's one point to you, but if you get it wrong they get one point! You could email me with the scores - fingers crossed the children win! 
