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Thursday 7th October

This week's homework task is set on Purple Mash and it relates to column subtraction, which we have been learning over the last couple of weeks. Please complete this task and hand it in by Wednesday 13th October. 


Also, just to remind you all how important it is to practise times tables using Times Tables Rockstars at home. You can access this as an app or using the website on a computer. If children can practise these for 10/15 minutes a day, that would make such a huge improvement in their knowledge and understanding of times tables. It is all about repetition in order to remember and recall these times tables. I am able to log on and see the progress children have made and it would be fantastic to see all of the class making improvements over the course of this week. If you need any support with TTR or would like a password reminder, please email the class email address. 


Thank you! 
