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Friday 4th November 2022

Dear Welbeck Class, parents and carers,


Thank you to all of the parents and carers who attended the consultation evenings on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was lovely to speak to you all and discuss your child's progress. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.


Swimming will continue to take place this half term. 


Homework- This week we have been revising the multiplication method where we have used a place holder. For homework, I would like the children to continue to develop their understanding of this by answering the following questions:

345 x 16 =

654 x 24 = 

485 x 27 =

834 x 19 =

321 x 23 =

932 x 21 =

1034 x 32 = 

1085 x 35 =


Remember to show your working out. 


Please continue to use Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Shed.


Spellings this week are: amateur, category, correspond, environment, frequently, language, occur, queue, signature, twelfth. 


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Tomlinson 


