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Home learning 10th March

Please email all work to



For your spelling lesson today I would like you to incorporate all of your spellings into a short story. Your story could be based on an astronaut! We will complete the spelling test on Friday.


As part of your times table practise, could you please go on Times Table Rockstars.



This week in Maths we have been completing work on equivalent fractions. I would like you to recap your knowledge and complete the 3 tasks set on Purple Mash based on fractions.



Today I would like you to complete the reading comprehension task. We have been working on our retrieval, inference and summarising skills recently. Please complete the task. The answers are there on the last pages for grown ups to check.



Today is our PE day. I would like you to complete either Cosmic Yoga on Youtube or a Joe Wicks workout.


Today is Golden Time so have some fun in the snow! Could you make a snowman?
