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Welbeck Class


Dear Children and Parents,

                Welcome to Welbeck class for the school year 2015-2016. I am Mr Delafield, the class teacher for year 5 and year 6. I am really looking forward to the learning this year, as we have some exciting topics and trips to enjoy.
                As well as myself, there are lots of adults to help us. There is our teaching assistant, Mrs Dilks, and Mrs Hunt who is a retired teacher who is volunteering to support our learning.
                PE will be taught on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will be taught by professional sports’ coaches. Children should have their school PE kits with them on these days each week.
                Homework will be given out on a Wednesday. This is to completed by Monday morning. On Monday we will check homework, reading diaries, change books and have our spelling and times-table tests in addition to our Big Write.
                During the first term we will cover a range of topics. We are starting off with a topic about construction called “Shake Things Up” we will then do a topic about what life was like in the past called “Time Travellers”. Next will be a topic about “Movies” to round off our first term. Later in the year we will have topics on “Theme parks”, “The Land of the Free”, “Electronics and Robots”, “Conflicts- Friend or Foe?”, “Art and Inventions” and “Balloon Blasters”.
                As well as topic work we will be learning about Christian Concepts, learn how to use the internet safely and effectively, investigating a range of scientific discoveries, reading and writing simple French sentences and developing our musical skills of appraising and composing.


Important dates are our residential trip to the Kingswood centre from Monday, 18th April 2016 to Friday,22nd  April 2016 and SATs tests for the Y6 children on the week beginning 9th May 2016.
                Hopefully the year will be problem free, but if you do wish to see me about anything, please feel free to have a quick chat on the yard at the end of the day, or make an appointment for a longer conversation.
                                Yours sincerely,
                                                                Mr P. Delafield.


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