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13th October 2023

Homework Due- Wednesday 18th October 2023.


Hello Welbeck Class, Parents and Carers, 


This week we have taken part in assessments to review our learning so far. I have been extremely impressed with how hard the children have tried and I know that they will continue to have the drive and determination to do well this year. 


This week we have also taken part in work related to World Mental Health Day. The children have created some fantastic artwork that I am looking forward to sharing with you. 



This week I would like you to complete the maths activity revising your knowledge of factors, multiples and primes.

I would also like you to complete the reading comprehension.


Reading Diaries

Reading books and diaries should be handed in at the start of each day. Children should be reading at least three days a week and an adult should be recording this in their diary.



This weeks spellings are: aggressive, bruise, convenience, embarrass, forty, interrupt, occupy, pronunciation, shoulder,  thorough. 


Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars

Please remember that your child has access to Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rockstars. If you need a reminder of the log in details, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Parent/Carer consultation evenings

Quick reminder that our parent/ carer consultation evenings are Tuesday and Wednesday. Bookings can be made via Parentmail. 


Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss Tomlinson
