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Information from Portland

Question/Answer Session with Portland- 17th May 2022


What is a squid account?


This is an online account to pay for school dinners. Parents and carers will put money on to the account and then the children will use their thumbprint to pay for their dinner/drinks and snacks. If there is no money on the squid account or you would rather send in cash that is also accepted and can be used. Staff feel that £15 a week is more than enough to cover a dinner, drink and snack every day. If a student forgets their dinner money or they have no money on their account they are encouraged to go and see their learning manager who will lend them money or contact parents/carers. If a student is registered for free school meals this will continue at Portland. 


How long are detentions?


Detentions happen the next day (after parents/carers have been informed)  and last for 30 minutes. If the student does not turn up to the detention then it will be extended to one hour the next day.


What time is the bus?


The bus timetable and route is issued by Nottinghamshire County Council. The bus will make multiple stops through Shireoaks and Rhodesia but only one bus runs each morning. The bus arrives at Portland at 8:15 ready for the first lesson to start at 8:25. At the end of the day there are multiple buses running. These accommodate children who are in detention or taking part in an after school club. Buses will run at 2:30, 3:00 and 3:30. Any enrichment clubs will finish at 3:30. Bus passes are normally issued in the holidays. 


Will we do computing?


Yes, Portland have 6 computer suites all with around 30 PCs. At Portland they call the subject Computer Science. 


Can I be called by my chosen name?


Yes, students need to inform their learning managers and tutors of their chosen name.


What is a learning manager?


The learning manager looks after the whole year group. They will be the link between home and school. 


How long are lessons?


Lessons are 1 hour long and tutor is 15 minutes.


Is there a football team?


Yes there is a football team. If you are interested, students need to join the after school club to be scouted on to the team.


Will we get homework?


Maths homework is given weekly on a Monday and will be due in the following Monday. This homework is set online. The librarian will set a reading challenge and homework will be given from most lessons. If a student is allocated cooking, then they will be given a booklet with the dates of ingredients that they will need. 


What happens if I am on holiday for school uniform swap day?


There is a second collection date that will be given soon. Students are encouraged to try the uniform on when collecting so that items that do not fit can be swapped on the day. 


What happens if I get lost?


The building is shaped like an 8 with a long central corridor. If a student is not sure how to find their classroom then they need to ask the nearest adult. 


How much time do I have between each class?


During the first couple of weeks, students will not be given late marks for being late. There are 5 minutes between each lesson. 


Can girls wear trousers?


Girls can wear trousers but shorts are not permitted for any students. There is a uniform policy on the website. If skirts are worn, tights should also be worn. Portland ask for no jewellery including earrings. Shoes must be plain black and if they are Kickers the table should be cut off or coloured in. Trainers are not allowed. For P.E any trainers are allowed. When the students are in the corridors they must continue to wear their blazers. Some teachers may allow the students to remove their blazers in the classroom. 


What are out of lesson passes?


If a student is out of lesson they must have a pass signed by a teacher. This includes needing the toilet. Students are only allowed out of class for 5 minutes. 


What is a planner?


Students will be given a planner on their first day. This must be brought into school daily and must be on the table at the start of each lesson. If a student loses their planner then they must purchase a new one.


What happens on transition day?


Students will need to go in their school uniform (primary) and they will participate in activities throughout the day. 


How long do I get for break and lunch?


Morning break lasts 15 minutes and lunchtime is 30 minutes. 


What after school clubs are there?


Spanish/ French, rock band, choir, art club, music club, sports club, drama club, remote control cars club and bike club.


Will I be in classes with my friends?


You may be with some of your friends but it is an opportunity to make new friends.


Do we have lockers?


Students can purchase a locker for £10 to allow them a space to store their P.E kit. 



4th May 2022- Ordering Uniform


Guidance with ordering uniform, can be found using the following link:


Alternatively, the direct links to the order forms for the uniform bundles are below: 





21st April 2022


Transition days will be 6th and 7th July 2022.

Open evening for year 6 children and parents is the 6th July.  

16th March 2022


Today I met with a representative from Portland to discuss the transition for our year 6 children. Please ensure that you accept the offer to secure your child's place as soon as possible. 


Secondly, there will be transition days in July that the children are able to attend. Once I have further details and dates I will let you know.  


For any parents who have not been to Portland and would like to have a look round, you are able to contact them directly to arrange a time for a visit. 


If you have any questions please let me know and I will try to answer them.


Miss Tomlinson 
