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This half term we will be learning about Walter Tull, who is a significant individual from history. We will be learning about his life and how he went from being a professional footballer to a solider in World War One! We will also find out about the struggles and discrimination he faced throughout his life. In our first lesson, we discussed when Walter Tull lived and then used photos of him as sources of evidence to make inferences about his jobs. We also made comparisons between army and football uniform then and now. We are looking forward to finding out more smiley

This week, we used a timeline to plot the key events throughout Walter's life. We learnt more about his childhood and how he was raised in a children's home with his brother, before his brother was adopted by a family who lived in Scotland. We discussed how some events in his childhood are happy and some are more difficult, and talked about how we all experience these ups and downs in our lives.
