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In Maths today, we are going to start looking at how to use the column method to add larger numbers. 

Please watch the video and have a go at the tasks below.


In English, we are going to play a game. 

I would like you to choose one of the settings from the pictures and describe it in as much detail as you can - without saying where it is. 

HAve a look at the example attached before choosing your own to have a go at. Once you are happy with it, read it out to someone and see if they can guess where you are!

Remember everything we have learnt so far about describing to help you with your writing. 


In French today, we are going to learn how to say goodbye in a variety of ways. 

Follow the Powerpoint to learn the phrases then have a practise writing a short conversation saying hello, asking someone how they are and now saying goodbye as well. 
