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Pupil of the Week

Monday 11th September- Presented for having a fantastic start to year six.

Monday 18th September- Presented for excellent work in maths. Well done.

Monday 25th September- Presented for settling so quickly into school life and for having an excellent enthusiasm to learning.

Monday 2nd October 2023- Presented for completing some excellent work in English. Well done!

Monday 9th October 2023- Presented for creating some outstanding pieces of writing. You are also a kind and helpful member of Welbeck Class and you are a pleasure to teach.

Monday 16th October 2023- Presented for being an ’always’ child. You are a joy to teach. Well done Teddy!

Monday 6th November 2023- Pupil of the Term- You have been chosen by your friends in Welbeck Class because you are very helpful, kind, polite, hard working, responsible and are a good friend to everyone.

Monday 13th November 2023- Pupil of the Week- Presented for always being incredibly helpful, for being a good friend and role model to all.

Monday 20th November- Presented for always being kind and caring to everyone in our school community.

Monday 11th December 2023- Presented for demonstrating excellent resilience and for never giving up when you find things slightly tricky. You always work so hard.

Monday 18th December- Presented for demonstrating increased confidence to participate more often in class discussions and for producing some excellent artwork this half term.

Pupil of the Term- 8th January 2024- Your friends have noticed that you are becoming more confident to participate in class discussions, you are so helpful, you are kind to everyone in the class and you are always trying your best with everything. Well done!

Monday 15th January 2024- Presented for demonstrating excellent resilience with your school work. I have been incredibly impressed with your hard work in algebra and have noticed a big difference in your writing too. Well done!

Monday 22nd January 2024- Presented for always being ready to learn, for always working hard in all subjects and for being extremely helpful.

Monday 29th January 2024- Presented for always being eager to learn and for working hard to improve on your English work. You always follow our Golden Expectations. Well done!

Monday 5th February 2024- Presented for always working hard and following the Golden Expectations. You are a fantastic role model to all in our school community.

Monday 26th February- Presented for always following our Golden Expectations. You are always so kind and helpful. Well done!

Monday 4th March 2024- Presented for always being a fantastic role model. You work incredibly hard across all subjects and you are so kind and caring. You complete your school job as hall monitor to a high standard and you are so helpful to all staff. Well done!

Monday 15th April 2024- Pupil of the Term- Well done you have been chosen by your friends in Welbeck Class.
