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Rule: word families based on common words, showing home words are related in form and meaning. 













Can you write these words into sentences?



Today, I would like you to follow the link below to access work on how to include the perfect verb form. You will also be learning about the sea snake. Remember to watch the video before completing the tabs marked the grammar bit and whiteboard challenges. If you would like to challenge yourself further you can continue with the writing ideas. I am looking forward to seeing the work that you produce.



Chapter 8: 


Jim is free!

- Was it exciting as it needed to be?

- Did anyone notice him leave?

- What does this tell you about the life of a workhouse worker?


Write down 5 bullet points as to how Jim might be feeling as he runs from the gate.

- Can you use a smile to add to Jim's emotions?


Activity: Write from Jim's perspective about his escape. Can you use figurative language and describe what the Victorian cities would be like. 

- How is he feeling?

- What is his plan?

- Where is he going to stay?

- Is he going to get a job?


Your writing should be at least one page long. 


Chapter 9:




On Thursdays we take part in a short times tables test. Remember to set yourself a timer of 5 minutes and try to answer as many of the questions as you can.

Today, we are going to be learning to find a percentage of a number when it is in a BODMAS number sentence.


Think back to last November when we were learning about BODMAS.

- What are the steps?


B- brackets

O- other

D- division

M- multiplication

A- addition

S- subtraction


Remember we must follow the steps in order so if we have a question: (25% x 1200) + 153 x 42

We need to look at the steps:

Step 1: Are there any brackets? Yes-  complete the brackets first.

Step 2: Other- have we got any squared numbers or fractions? No- move on

Step 3: Do we need to divide? No

Step 4: Multiplication- is there a multiplication symbol? Yes- do this now

Step 5: Addition- What do we need to add together?

Step 6- Subtraction- Is there anything to subtract?



Today we are going to be learning about what schools were like during the Victorian era.


Before we start think:

- Have schools changed since the Victorian era?

- What do you think the building would have been like? 

- What equipment would each classroom have? Would it be similar equipment to classrooms today?


Today we are going to start to learn about the school routine, the lessons and uniforms. 


First watch the video clip called 'The School Room'



1: Complete activity 1- write what school was like for rich Victorian children and poor Victorian children. You started this sheet last week. Please only complete the school section. You can add the information on to the sheet you started last week if you would like. 


2: Write a non-chronological report about the school day.

