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In Maths today, we are learning about comparing objects. Please watch the video and have a go at the worksheets.



In English, we are learning how to use adverbs. Adverbs describe a verbs. I would like you to watch this video and then write as many adverbs as you can think of. After, please use those adverbs in a sentence. You can write your sentences about anything you would like.



Reading and Spelling


Please practice this weeks spelling on Spelling Shed. 


For your reading task, you will need to ask a grown up to help you. Please choose a book to read to your grown up. After, I would like you to make a poster about the book or chapter you have just read.



In PE, we are practicing our dribbling skills. If you have a ball at home, it doesn't matter the size of the ball, can you practice bouncing the ball with control. You then need to try and move whilst still bouncing the ball.
