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Phonics and Spellings

This week's spellings to practise - orange key words -

them   then  this  will  with   that

In school, we would normally send these spellings out on a Friday and test the children on them on Wednesday. A new set of spellings will be put on the 'phonics and spellings' section every Friday. You can send me in their spellings each Wednesday, through our class email, to let us know how they did.


Spelling Practise - orange key words

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Now that we have completed all of the phase 3 sounds, we are now going to look back and recap on the sounds that we still might need to practise. Is there a sound that you still need to practise? You can use your phonic print-out's to help you look back and check - Do I know all of these sounds? Which ones do I need to practise again?

Flashcards - Phase 3 sounds

Tuesday 9th February 2021 - Phase 3 Recap - 'igh' sound

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Wednesday 10th February 2021 - Phonics Fun!

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Thursday 11th February 2021 - air Words | Phase 3 Phonics

22.02.21 - The spellings to practise for after half term - purple keywords -

see  for  now  down  look  too

I would like you to begin to practise these spellings over the next week and then on Wednesday, I would like you to take the spelling test that will be set on purple mash.
