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To continue our learning about fractions, today we are focusing on being able to subtract fractions from a whole number. You will need to watch the teaching video first and then have a go at the worksheet smiley



Today, we are going to look at the features of persuasive writing. Use the PowerPoint and see if you can guess what the definition of each feature would be. Then, in the notes section under each slide is the answer - how many did you get correct?


Once you have a good understanding of the features, see if you can find each one in the text. You can highlight the feature and then label which one it is, or you can rewrite the sentence under the appropriate heading. However you want to format it is fine! 


I've uploaded the next chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too for you to enjoy. 



This week's grammar focus is fronted adverbials. Have a look at the video from Oak Academy - you may need a pencil and some paper to work along with the video. 


This week's spellings 

- permission

- possession

- percussion

- passion

- obsession 

- expression

- impression

- admission 

- continue

- difficult 



I would like you to spend some time outside assessing your local area to decide whether it would be appropriate for a new chocolate factory or not. This week's task is to assess your area as it is and research what it is like there. Use the attached document to help you - it will give you prompt ideas to help. For some of the answers you may need to use the internet for research, but any excuse to get outside is fine by me! 
