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This week, the children have been learning what sprinting is and how to control and stop their sprint. We discussed the importance of warming up and cooling down after running exercises and the children were able to accurately exchange the baton with their team member during relay races. Thoresby Class used the batons during a warm up exercise to show how they need to control and handle the baton without dropping it. 

In athletics this week, we have been talking about the safety precautions required before children practise with the discus. We know how important it is to ensure that the area is clear before we throw and the importance of ensuring that there is enough distance between children. The children really enjoyed learning how to throw and using their body as a way to put more power into the throw. They really liked competing against each other by seeing who could throw it the furthest. 

This week in PE, we have been consolidating our learning of jumping, running and throwing to learn how to compete against each other. The children did a fantastic job of sharing what they thought went well and what they could to do improve or try to win. We discussed how they measure winners of athletics and children enjoyed timing themselves during running and seeing who could jump the highest.
