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W.C 26/1/22


Maths - Year 1 - today we are looking at counting forwards and backwards within 50. Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet.


Phonics-  Year 1 - In Phonics today we are focusing on looking at alternative sounds for 'igh'. We have already learned all the sounds for phase 5 so this  is revision. I would like you to use a book (if you have one) and identify the different igh sounds you could see. For example 'y', 'igh', 'i-e', i-e and 'i'. Read these to a grown up. Then, I would like you to complete the attached worksheet.


Literacy- Year 1- Today we are going to start looking at poetry. Have you read poems before? We are going to be reading Great Fire of London Poetry. Today, I would like you to first highlight the rhyming words you can see in the poem. I would then like you to complete the poetry activity sheet. Here is a link for the poem and you can listen to it being read aloud here ->


Topic- Today, we are focusing on what happened after the Great Fire of London. We have been focusing on what happened during it, but now we are going to be discussing how London was rebuilt. Have a look at the PowerPoint. I would then like you to design London city. Please label how it has changed, for example, we use bricks for buildings. Are your streets going to be clean? Are houses going to be close together?


Computing- Today is computing day! We have been focusing on creating art via Purple Mash. I would like you to look at the PowerPoint. Then on Purple Mash you will have a '2 Paint a Picture 2do'. Please click on this and complete a pattern painting similar to William Morris. 


Maths- today we are looking at tens and ones. Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet. 


Literacy- Today we are going to complete a poetry detective sheet based on the poem we read yesterday. I would like you to read the poem again and complete the worksheet. Which words rhyme? What did you like about it etc?


Phonics- today we are recapping the 'ow' sound. Have a look at the PowerPoint. Then complete the worksheet where you write the words underneath the pictures. Challenge- can you put these words into a story? It can be a  silly story!


Phonics- Today we are recapping the 'oe' sound. Have a look at the PowerPoint and complete the worksheet. For a challenge, could you write two sentences? Could you use an adjective in one?


Maths- Today we are looking at representing numbers to 50. Have a look at the video and complete the worksheet attached.


Literacy- today we are looking at the poem 'a  tiny burning flame'. I would like you to first identify the rhyming words. I would then like you to write your own sense poem using the sheet. You can use the sense sheet to support you.


PSHE- In PSHE, we have been looking at responsibilities. Today, we are looking at being respectful. Talk with a grown up, how can you be respectful at school and at home? What does it mean to be disrespectful? I would like you to complete a poster about being respectful. Make it nice and colourful!


Spellings- please do the spelling test today.


Golden time- you can choose an activity that you like doing, for example colouring, watching a movie, making a den etc!
