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Thoresby Class


The Thoresby Class Shop


In our Maths lesson today we created our very own Thoresby Class Shop! We priced up a range of different items, thinking carefully about the value of money and what we could buy with different amounts. The groups then all had £5 each and worked together to decide what to buy with their money. Other groups worked as cashiers and calculated the change for each group before swapping round.


All the children really enjoyed the task and were able to complete lots of mathematical calculations as well as bring some real life context to the lesson! 

Investigating Perimeter!


We have worked hard in our Maths lessons today to apply our knowledge of perimeter to complete a group investigation. We calculated the area and perimeter of six different walls and then cut these out of paper to create a building. All walls were different sizes so we had to use lots of problem solving skills! 


We also discussed how to work within a group and use job roles to ensure maximum efficiency. The children are now starting to think much more about committing to the group and making sure they are always progressing rather than all taking on individual tasks - well done everyone! 

Spring 1 Overview Planning

Our Crisis Donation!

Christmas Donations


We have decided together that we will be donating some of the money raised at our class performance to charity. We will be sending £19 to the Salvation Army as this will provide a family in need with a box filled with food and small gifts this Christmas. We are also donating £28.87 to Crisis in order to reserve a place for a homeless person at one of their centres. 


Please see the below links if you wish to find out more about either charity.


Thank you all for attending the performance once again.


Thoresby Class

Our Nativity


Thank you very much to all of the grown ups who attended our performance of 'Baubles' last night. The children really enjoyed it and I think you would all agree that they performed excellently and did themselves proud. 


Thanks to your donations for the raffle as well as the ticket sales, we managed to raise £90 for the class fund. We are currently discussing as a class what we are going to spend this money on, but we are all keen to give a proportion of our profits to charity in order to help someone else at Christmas time. Once we have decided where this money will be spent we will update you! 


Some photos from prior to the performance are below - everyone looked amazing! Thank you all for providing the costumes.


Thoresby Class

Year 4 Multiplication Check


Please see below for a link to a video which will give you some more information regarding the multiplication check that will take place this academic year. 

The children have been working with Miss Hunter for most of this week and they have behaved excellently! They have worked hard and been continuing with what they have been learning since the start of half term, covering topics such as multiplication, division, play scripts, bullying and Spanish.


Although homework has been sent out as normal, I would like to confirm that the task is to collect materials ready to design our puppets next Friday morning. Please feel free to bring in materials whenever you have them and we can save them in class until the lesson. 


Thank you to all children for being such wonderful examples within the class and I am looking forward to being back with you all next week.


Have a lovely weekend.

Autumn 2 Overview Plan

Advertising Jingles


We learnt about the effectiveness of advertising jingles this morning in our music lesson and we were able to use what we learnt to create our own jingle to advertise the games consoles! 


We used a range of instruments including drums, shakers and a guitar! Some photos of our lesson are below.


Thoresby Class

Baking for Macmillan


We had a lovely time baking yesterday for our class contribution to the school's baking event to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you also to parents who brought in extra cakes for us to sell tonight.


We hope to see you there later!


Thoresby Class

Musical Instruments


The children had a great time creating their musical instruments in the science lesson on Friday. They enjoyed exploring different sounds and creating different pitches based on their scientific knowledge. Thank you to all the children and grown ups for bringing in lots of great materials to use on the day.


Here are some photos of the fun we had last week.

We created our own laws in a fictional town as part of our PHSE lesson today

Planning our own non-chronological reports!

Non-Chronological Reports


This week we are learning about non-chronological reports in our English lessons and hope to write our own in the coming weeks. We have been discussing the features of this type of writing and the children came up with the suggestions that make up the diagram below.


Great work, Thoresby Class! 



Dear Parents, Carers and Children,


Welcome to Thoresby Class for the 2019-2020 academic year! I am Miss Phillipson, the class teacher for Year 4. This will be my third year at St. Luke’s School and I am looking forward to meeting you all and getting to know you better throughout the year. We also have Miss Halpin and Mrs Green supporting our class throughout the week and they will assist with whatever the children require.


We will be covering a range of exciting topics this year, which the children have chosen as a class. Our first topic is called ‘Generation Gaming’ and we will cover a range of subjects within this, including lots of Art, Design & Technology and History. Our other topics will be The Wild West, Football Fever, Disney Divas, Fabulous Fashion and Extreme Earth! Throughout the year there will be lots of fun, hands-on learning where the children will be exploring and discovering new things both individually and within a team.


Thoresby Class P.E days are Tuesday and Thursday, so please ensure children have the correct P.E kit and appropriate footwear. We will be heading outside as often as we can, as lots of learning can happen in our natural environment! Children will also need indoor plimsolls for activities such as dance and gymnastics.


Homework will be given out on Fridays and collected in on Wednesdays. Spellings will be sent home as part of the homework and children will be tested on these the following Friday. We will be working on these throughout the week as a class, but any extra work the children can do at home with your support is really beneficial. They will be bringing home their weekly spellings in the purple spelling books – please use this space to practise as much as you can.


We are continuing with our reading reward scheme this year. Children should read at least three times a week at home, and it should be recorded in their reading diary in order for them to receive a stamp on their bookmark. Once six stamps have been collected they will receive a prize and move on to the next bookmark. Reading is not only about decoding and recognising words, but also learning about new subject areas, understanding more about emotions and feelings and building imagination. Support at home is paramount to reading success, so please ensure diaries are completed and up to date so that children can progress as far as possible. The first book change will take place on Friday 13th September and will continue each Friday after that. If your child finishes their school reading book before the book change, please encourage them to read another book or magazine and record this in their diary.


I look forward to welcoming the children to their new class and working with you all throughout the year. Please feel free to contact me within school to discuss any issues or concerns you may have.


Yours Sincerely,

Miss S. Phillipson

Autumn 1 Term Overview Planning
