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Pupil of the Week

This week, we have spotted a super sitter in Rufford Class! He is always so smart and setting an excellent example for other children. He is ready to learn at the start of each lesson and concentrates hard so that he knows what the expectations for each task are and has the knowledge to support his learning. He plays really well with others and is always kind and fair during games at breaktime. All in all, an excellent role model and someone we should all look to for the right way to behave and treat others smiley

This superstar has achieved her pen license! All of Rufford Class were so pleased when she was awarded her handwriting pen as she has been working really hard to improve her letter joins and spacing. Alongside this, the award of Pupil of the Week has been given for a super attitude to all areas of the curriculum and for being such a lovely friend to her peers. Well done! 

Pupil of the Week has been awarded this week for super progress that has been happening throughout the year! Both myself and Mrs Green have been so impressed with how hard he is working on his phonics and reading and he has built some lovely relationships within the class. Well done for being such a superstar smiley

This week's Pupil of the Week, the first of this half term, has been chosen for impressing both myself and Miss Browes with her commitment to learning! She has been working really hard on both her reading and Maths and has been trying to implement feedback in order to improve. She is putting in lots of effort in each lesson and is listening carefully to instruction. She is also super kind and helpful and is always volunteering for jobs around the classroom - well done! 
