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Pupil of the Week

Our Pupil of the Week has been chosen for having an excellent week at school and working really hard on his writing! He is focusing more on letter formation and making sure he is using the line guide accurately and is making great progress. He has also really impressed me with his reading this week and has been able to segment and blend words really well. Super comprehension too! Finally, he is a really kind person to have in the classroom because he cares a lot for others and tries to make sure everyone is happy throughout the day. Well done! 

This week, the Pupil of the Week has been chosen for being such a brilliant friend! She has been supportive and kind and has made sure her friends have felt happy and included, over and above her usual super nature. She has also been working hard in lessons and has focused on her reading and comprehension. Well done smiley

Our Pupil of the Week this week was chosen because she was kind, helpful and understanding to others. She worked really hard in all lessons across the curriculum and listened carefully to instructions. We have been super proud of how she has coped in class this week smiley

Our Pupil of the Week this week has been chosen for a super improvement in her concentration and listening skills and for working hard in every lesson! She has been contributing to all class discussions and has thought carefully before answering any questions. Her phonics is really improving and she has been helpful around the classroom too. Well done! 
