Keep up to date with school news.
Please read our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report. Our Inspection took place on Thursday 15th June 2023.
This morning we took part in a Swings and Roundabouts workshop where we designed our own theme park ride. We then presented our ideas on stage to the rest of our school.
We then had lots of fun exploring the theme park.
We have had a very busy second day. The children woke early and enjoyed a breakfast of cereal and pastries. During the day, the children have enjoyed the fire lighting activity, shelter building, animal adaptation, group challenges and team games. Tonight the children are excited for the story telling by the campfire.
Gullivers Valley
We have arrived safe at Gullivers Valley and the children are having a fantastic time. We’ve already played laser tag, climbed the many climbing walls and played mini golf and used the soft play.