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Homework set: Friday 6th January 2023


Homework due: Wednesday 11th January


Dear Parents/Carers,

Happy new year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. The children have had a fantastic start to the new year with their amazing behaviour! We are excited to learn about the Maya and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We are planning to watch this at school so please could you email the school or class to give consent or not because it is rated a PG film.



Homework This week I would like children to research the Maya at home and create a poster about this. We are going to be displaying these in the classroom and I can't wait to see them! They can include lots of pictures and facts.


Homework is due in on Wednesday 11th of January.



Please continue to encourage your child to read at least three times a week and record it in your child's diary. Each week your child will get sticker on their bookmark if they have read three times. 


Please can your child bring their reading book and reading diary to school everyday. Reading books will continue to be changed on a Friday.




Spelling tests will start again. Please ensure that your child is practising their spellings as its so important for their writing. Spelling Shed is available for children to practise their spellings.


times table rockstars:

please could children go on TTRS at least once a week for practise of their times tables.We have a times table each Friday.

Spellings this week:

expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, suspension, precision, provision, explosion, erosion and invasion.
