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Today in English I would like you to recap on how to correctly use semi colons, colons and dashes. Use the PowerPoint to help you and then write a range of sentences using this punctuation to ensure you understand how to use them correctly. 


Then I would like you to look at the explanation text 'What makes Green Vale football team so successful?'. Look at the features of this text and discuss with a grown-up at home why it is an explanation text. Today you are going to be writing your own explanation text. I want you to try and use all of the features listed.

You may choose to write your explanation text based on:

- a sports team


-Singer/ band

- Actor or actress



Today I would like you to continue to develop your problem solving and reasoning skills. Try and complete the following investigation.




Last week we started looking at all of the countries that speak Spanish. Can you identify these countries on a map? Look at the PowerPoint and try to test yourself.


Then look through the PowerPoint on Spanish numbers. Can you remember them all? Can you write a rhyme about these numbers?
