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Week Beginning 20th April

Week 3


Hello Clumber Class,


I hope that you and your family are well and that you have had a lovely Easter holiday. I can see that lots of you have been using Purple Mash and Times Tables Rockstars regularly and are producing some excellent work. 


Over the next couple of weeks we are going to learn all about the Volcanoes and Pompeii. I have uploaded a new topic sheet you to complete over the next two weeks. Remember to choose five tasks each day. Purple Mash and our class page will also be updated with other activities for you to try.


Please keep emailing your photos to the school office email address of your amazing work.  I am enjoying seeing the work you are completing at home!


Keep up the hard work!


Take care,


Miss  Earle

Weekly Maths Tasks


White Rose Hub have created a home learning section which includes 5 maths lessons. The children can watch the 5 minute video explaining the task and then complete the work sheet. They are providing 5 lessons per week which follows the Year 3 curriculum. 

Weekly Writing Task


Over the next 5 days, please write a story. It can be a story of your choice


Monday - Please write your introduction introducing the characters and the setting.

Tuesday - Please continue your story and write the second chapter to build up your story.

Wednesday - Please write a chapter about a problem that might happen in your story.

Thursday - Please write a chapter about how you solve the problem in your story.

Friday - Please write the ending chapter of your story.


Please try to include our Year 3 grammar and the important features of a story. You will need to include adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, similes, paragraphs, exciting sentence starters, year 3 spellings and written in chronological order.

Word of the Week


Empathy (noun)


The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


“The reader empathises with the character as we learn about their misfortunate past”


Can you write 5 sentences with the word empathy?














Oak National Academy


Similar to White Rose Maths, Oak National Academy have designed an online classroom where they are uploading a range of lessons each week tailored towards the year 3 curriculum. These include 5 English and Maths lessons and a range of foundation subjects including Science, History and Modern Foreign Languages.  This may be a resource that you would like to use at home throughout the next couple of weeks.

BBC Bitesize Daily


BBC Bitesize have created daily lessons for the children to do which follow the Year 3 curriculum.
