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Friday 13th November

Dear Parents/ Carers

Thank you so much for your support with home learning this week. I have received some fantastic pieces of work from the children across the curriculum. Have a look on our main class page to see examples of each other's work from Remembrance Day, as well as some brilliant pieces of Ice Age topic work. 


For homework this week, please spend some time reading either through Bug Club, or any other books you have at home and enjoy. I would love to know what you are reading and how often through the class email account. 


For Maths homework, spend some time on Times Tables Rockstars. If you are struggling to access this, you might like to practise your times tables in another way, written or through games available online. 


If you are struggling to access any of the work that is set for homework or home learning please let me know and we will do our best to help.


I hope everyone is staying safe while we self-isolate and I am looking forward to seeing more of your amazing work next week. 


Have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Hunter


