Rule: word families based on common words, showing home words are related in form and meaning.
Practise spelling these words daily ready for our spelling test on Friday.
Today, I would like you to follow the link below to access work on how to include parenthesis. You will also be learning about the bull shark. Remember to watch the video before completing the tabs marked the grammar bit and whiteboard challenges. If you would like to challenge yourself further you can continue with the writing ideas. I am looking forward to seeing the work that you produce.
Read chapter 5 of street child here:
Today we are going to be focusing on chapter 6 'Tip'. You can find the link for the chapter here:
Before you start to listen to chapter 6 I would like you to create a mind-map of the characters that we have met so far in 'Street Child'. Then edit your mind-map by editing it with the following:
- Which characters hold the most importance to the story?
- Why is this?
- Can you use part of the text to support your answer?
In Chapter 6, the author decides to introduce a new character- listen to the chapter and see if you can work out why this might be.
Listen to chapter 6.
- How does the author make Tip stand out as a character?
Work through the PowerPoint- remember to listen to the audio clips!
Draw a picture of what you imagine Tip would look like. Label your picture using adjectives. Then under the following headings write about Tip:
- Personality- What type of personality does Tip have? Use evidence in the text to support your ideas.
- Background- What background do you think Tip has had? Why do you think he is in the workhouse? How long do you think he has been there for?
- Family- What do you think happened to his family? Did he have siblings?
Starter: Complete the mental arithmetic sheet below. Set yourself a timer of 10 minutes and complete as many questions as you can. Remember to show your working out based on methods that we have learnt in school.
Today you are going to be using the information you learnt yesterday to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. Please use yesterdays PowerPoint as a recap when needed.
You are also going to start to learn how to change fractions to percentages. Use the link below to help you:
How do we convert percentages to fractions? Use the following link (You only need to watch the first 2/3 minutes)
Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning about famous Victorian scientists and how they made breakthroughs that changed the way we live today. The scientist that we are going to be learning about today is Alexander Graham Bell.
- Have you heard of this person before?
- Why do you think he was significant?
Work through the PowerPoint below. This details the life of Alexander Graham Bell, from his early life towards the making of his invention and the legacy he has left.
Activity: Draw three telephones. The first telephone I would like you to draw is one of the first invented (similar to the one on the PowerPoint). I would then like you to draw a modern day phone. Finally, I would like you to draw a phone that you think will be made it 50 years time. Then write about:
- The similarities and differences between the first phone invented to the one that is popular today.
- The similarities and differences between the popular phone today to the one you predict will be made in 50 years time.
Complete the reading comprehension below. Try to write in full sentences and always check through at the end to make sure you have answered the question to the best of your ability.