Today we are going to recap on perimeter. Have a look at the video below from White Rose Maths and then try the questions. You can use the answers to check your work. Send me what you have done
Today's task is to plan your own newspaper report based on one of the characters finding a Golden Ticket. Think about what your newspaper needs to include;
- headline
- a quote
- facts about what has happened
- an image
- lots of descriptive language
Have a look at the example I have added below and see if you can plan your own. We will then be writing the report next week. This lesson is purely to generate ideas, choose your character and find some facts about them and how they found their ticket.
Don't forget to enjoy the next chapter!
Today, as normal for Thursday's grammar lesson, I would like you to combine the grammar focus of prepositions with our spelling words for the week.
Choose a task:
1. Write 3 sentences that include both a spelling word and one preposition.
2. Write 4 sentences that include at least one spelling word (try two!) and two prepositions.
3. Write a paragraph linking all of the spelling words together and including a range of prepositions. Then, highlight the spelling words and prepositions you have used either by underlining the words or using a highlighter.
Take a look at my example:
Isabel was feeling generous so she decided she was going to let Millie play on and underneath her new swing set in the garden. It was absolutely disastrous! It turns out the swing set was hazardous as the bolts should be in the soil, but they were actually above the soil on the grass!
"Marvellous," thought Sean.
"This situation is so ridiculous. We need to meet next to the park and discuss this," suggested Sophie.
The children decided they needed to remain anonymous, so they realised the best possible way forward was to hope for a miraculous recovery!
We would normally have a PE session with Tony on a Thursday, so please use this time to complete some exercise. I have put some videos on below that you may enjoy, but you may prefer to do your own thing. You could put some music on and have a dance, go for a run with a grown up or any other exercise you might like!