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Reverend Lima's Visits to School

Christmas 2022

We held our Christmas service in school this year and both Rev Lima and Rev Stanley came to join us. Rev Lima led us in prayer at the start of the service. Each class performed songs from their Christmas performance. Sherwood class read prayers they had written and Welbeck class read readings from the Bible to retell the Christmas story. Rev Stanley then gave a talk about giving joy and love this Christmastime.

Harvest Festival 2022

Rev. Lima came into school to lead our Harvest Festival today. We had gathered together all the food to donate to Hope for the Homeless charity in Worksop. Each class shared work, paintings, songs and prayers they had written all with the theme of Harvest. 

Ascension Day 10th June 2022

Rev Lima came to school to lead our Ascension Day service in our prayer garden. The whole school came together for the outdoor service and we remembered when Jesus rose to heaven. We have a new cross in our prayer garden and we covered it with prayers written on butterflies by every childn in school, during the service. We also read out some prayers during the service. Each class made butterfly sculptures to represent ascension, using recycled materials. They look great in the prayer garden!

Ash Wednesday 2nd March 2022

We were pleased to have Rev Lima leading Collective Worship in person again today! He spoke about the start of Lent and how we use Ash Wednesday as a time for reflection and forgiveness. He drew ash crosses on the foreheads of children who wanted this and prayed with us. 


Never judge a book by it's cover- 4th March 2020


We had a very exciting assembly with Revered Lima this morning. He spoke to the children about how we sometimes put labels on people and judge them before we have had the chance to get to know them. Reverend Lima spoke to the children about how we must wait before we make a decision to label someone as we may be pleasantly surprised. As an experiment Revered Lima picked two brave volunteers to try some new food that they have never tried. When the children got to the front of the hall, Reverend Lima showed the two children a tin with a cat food label on. He then went on to pour the contents of this tin into three cups. Reverend Lima then drank the contents of the cup as did the two brave volunteers. When the volunteers asked what it tasted like they said chocolate milk. Reverend Lima taught the children that just because the label says that the contents are cat food it doesn't mean that it is true. He then revealed the true label of the tin which was chocolate milk. 


Ash Wednesday Assembly- 26th February 2020


It was lovely to have Reverend Lima and Reverend Alex in school today to discuss Ash Wednesday. Reverend Lima explained to us why Lent is important to Christians and how many choose to give up something during the 40 day period. Lots of the children shared with the school what they had decided to give up for Lent. Many children then took part in the Ash Wednesday tradition and waited for Revered Lima and Revered Alex to make a cross on their forehead with ash. 



Remembrance Assembly -11th November 2019


Reverend Lima joined us in school on Monday morning to lead our Remembrance Assembly. We were also silent throughout school at 11.0am to remember and respect soldiers from the First World war and all other conflicts.



An Exciting Assembly


It was lovely to have Reverend Lima leading our assembly yesterday afternoon, Thursday 12th September, along with his two special visitors. Thank you to Warren (Ace from Gladiators) and Reverend Rodger for a brilliant assembly with a powerful message. I am sure the children will be talking about the assembly for a long time. Well done to the children who participated in the assembly.



