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Rufford Class

Dear Parents, Carers and Children,


Welcome to Rufford Class, I hope you are looking forward to the next academic year. My name is Miss Marsh and I am the class teacher for Year 2. We are also lucky to have Miss Halpin working with us this year!


We will be covering a range of exciting and interesting topics this year. Our first topic is all about toys, where we will learn about Toy Story, toys from the past and designing our own toys. 


As well as Toys, we will be learning about the Great Fire of London, under the sea, pirates, animals and fairy tales over the academic year. Every topic will have a learning overview that will be shared with parents and carers.


Reading Books

For the first couple of weeks reading books will not be given out to the children, as this will allow staff time to prepare reading books and diaries. Books will be changed weekly and returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours before given to another child. Please do not return any reading books that you have had at home to school until you are asked to do so.


Homework and Spellings

Similar to reading books, homework and spelling books will be introduced later on in the first autumn term. Homework will be given out to the children on a Friday and the hand in date will be the following Wednesday. Homework will be based on work that the children have been doing in class. Spelling tests will take place on a Friday and children are encouraged to practise their spellings throughout the week at home to prepare.


Rufford classes PE day will be on a Wednesday with Tony. You should come to school wearing the appropriate sports clothing for P.E on this day. You do not need to bring your uniform.


Please can I ask for book bags to be left at home until further notice. All equipment needed will be provided by school. You will only need to bring your own lunchbox (If you are not having a school packed lunch) and a drinks bottle.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you or your child has any issues or concerns in the next year.

Miss Marsh.

Fun in Rufford!
We have had another great week in Rufford Class this week. This week, the children have been creating their own toy character which comes to life in their story! They have thought of some incredible ideas and have used adjectives well to describe them. The children have been learning all about Andy Warhol's work and they have been sketching and printing their own teddy bear. We have also been learning how to sketch and the children have sketched a great picture of Woody.  They have been developing their mathematical skills and learning their three times table.


The children have all been allocated new books on Bug Club that match with their current book band. The children will have two books allocated to them each week. It's really important that the children are reading and developing their comprehension skills.


If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss, please contact me via the school office.


Thank you,

Miss Marsh.

Woody sketchings!

Rufford Class have been working hard over the past few weeks to create their own Woody sketching. They have really developed their sketching skills. Take a look at the display below!
