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Wednesday 9th

In mathematics this week, we have been focusing on halving numbers. I have been planning a lot of practical activities so the children can get more immersed with their learning and be more hands on! 


What I would like you to do for the rest of this week in maths is to go on a hunt around your house with your favourite teddy bear. You have to find up to 20 toys and share this amount between you and your teddy bear so you both have equal amounts of toys. How many do you now have between you? 


How many toys do you and your teddy bear have if you both shared 10 toys between you? What about if you had 4 toys, how many toys would you have each? Can you tell your grown-ups how you managed to find out the answer? What did you do to find half? 


I have attached some pictures of Santa Claus, Mrs Claus, cookies and milk! Santa is going to share his favourite cookies and milk with Mrs Claus - can you work out how many Santa and Mrs Claus would have if there were 8 cookies between them? 


Keep practising this and let's see how super you are at halving!


Thank you for all of your wonderful work that has been submitted. It's a pleasure to see how hard you have all been working during home learning!


Miss C. Browes

