violins 2023-2024
tuesday 26th September
Today we have been learning the D and A notes.
St Luke's have Inspire Music teaching violin music lessons to the year 3 children at our school.
Today, Clumber Class started their violin lessons. We first learnt what a beat is and why it is important when playing an instrument. After, we learnt the notes: G, D, A and E. We learnt a rhyme to help us remember the order of the notes, greedy dogs always eat.
After, we held the violins for the first time. To help us understand how to play a violin, we first held it like a guitar. This helped us to learn the order off the strings and how to play the notes, using our fingers.
For our second lesson, we learnt how to hold the violin correctly. We first learnt how to stand with one foot in front of the other, facing right. Next, we learnt how to hold the violin safely, holding the neck with our left hand and placing the bottom of the violin under our chin.
After, we practiced the notes of the violin while holding the violin in the correct position.
In our third lesson, we recapped our learning from the previous weeks before learning how to hold the bow correctly. We then learnt how to loosen and tighten the strings which are made with horse hair. After, we learnt how to move the bow across the strings of the violin.
In our fourth lesson, we learnt how to put rosin on our bows. Then we practiced our standing position and holding the violin and bow correctly. We then used the bow to play the strings. We started with G, all the way to E.
After, we learnt how to play the notes properly. First we learnt how to play A on the violin. We first looked at where to put our finger and played the string. We held the string down and plucked it. Next, we listened to the difference the sting made when holding it down and now holding it down.
Also, during the lesson we used our body’s to create rhythms.
Today for our music lesson, we learnt about the different parts of the bow. We remembered how to hold the bow, how to tighten and loosen the strings and the importance of the bow. After, we practiced playing different notes with the bow and at the end of the lesson, we played a song.
To begin the lesson, we learnt how to tune a violin and also watched how to change a string on the violin. We then perfected how we stand with the violin, making sure our feet are in the correct place and the violin is being held correctly.
First, we practiced playing the note D, then A, E and G. After, children came to the front of the class to show the rest of the class their skills and technique.
In our music lesson, we started the lesson by playing rhythm games. After, we practiced how to hold the bow to play different notes. We made sure our posture was correct and we were holding the violin safely. Next, we practiced playing different notes, making sure we wearing holding the bow in the correct arm position. We learnt how to play the notes with a bow, listening to a constant beat, counting the right amount of notes.
Today in our music lesson, we started to learn how to play songs on the violin. We combined our learning from previous weeks to help us. We learnt ‘circle in the air’ and ‘oh when the saints’.
For our last lesson, the children chose their favourite songs and activities that they have done of the term to complete.