Please have a go at todays arithmetic task. You may take as long as you need on the questions.
For Maths today, we are going to be learning how to divide by 1 digit.
Please click on the link to take you to your maths lesson.
Firstly, we will need to complete a quiz.
Next, you will need to watch the video which explains how to divide by 1 digit.
Thirdly, you will need to complete the worksheet.
Lastly, you will finish the lesson by completing the final quiz.
For our English lesson today, we will be planning a letter. We are going to write a formal letter from Pandora to the rest of the world, apologising for opening the box and letting out all of the evil.
Please use the PowerPoint to help you with your plan. Each slide explains a different part of the letter. After the explanation, their will be an example. Please use the examples to help you but do not copy them.
You may watch the video again to remind you how Pandora opened the box and what happen after.
Today in science, we will be learning all about the different types of bones we have in our bodies. We will be focusing on the common names for the bones. Next week, we will be looking at the scientific names.
Please watch this video to learn about a human skeleton.
After, please read the PowerPoint to learn the names of our bones. Use this to help you complete the worksheet.
To end the lesson, you may watch and join in the skeleton dance.
For PSHE this half term, we will be focusing on our wellbeing as it is very important to look after ourselves. Today, we are going to be thinking about how we can have a positive attitude in school and at home.
Please have a look at the booklet. There are lots of little activities that you can complete at home. You can either complete 1 or as many as you would like.
In EGPS, we are now going to look at using the suffixes -er and -est. Today, we will learn the rules associated with adding the suffixes to root words.
Please follow the video for this lesson:
It is a very interactive lesson. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Please follow the video and have a go at all the different activities.