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Please listen to Chapter 1 of Akimbo and the Lions.

At the end of the chapter, think about the section that says: 

He paused for a few moments before continuing. “The trouble is that the only way to stop it is to shoot the lion or get it removed. You can’t teach them new ways.”He paused for a few moments before continuing. “The trouble is that the only way to stop it is to shoot the lion or get it removed. You can’t teach them new ways.”


What do you think the rangers should do? 

Write a speech to explain whether you think they should shoot the lion or get it removed. Remember to give clear reasons why you think this. 


In Maths lessons this week, we are going over all our fractions skills to make sure we are all confident with this work. 

Please have a go at completing some of these worded problems. Remember to look back over previous lessons if you need some help with these.


Please have a look at this week's spellings on the spelling section of our class page and complete some of the activities to help you learn them. 


In art today we will be making Mother's Day cards. 

Here are some ideas if you would like to do one at home. 

Collective Worship

Please have a look at the collective worship PowerPoint and complete the activity.
